Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Train to Get Body Like Jessica Biel

I first knew Jessica Biel from her role as the vampire slayer (Abigail Whistler) in Blade Trinity in year 2004. Under personal trainer’s guidance, Jessica has made great transformation for the movie – slim thighs, firm butt and toned arms without losing her femininity. After watching her year 2007 movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, I am impressed even more by her toned hourglass figure and would claim that she is a great role model for woman who wants to get in shape.
After doing research from different sources, I have summarized her fitness approach, workout regimen and diet plan in this article.
Jessica Biel’s Fitness Approach
  • PersistencyPersistence – Jessica Biel exercises for an hour each session and 6 sessions a week. In a week, she has three-day cardio regimen and spends three alternate days focusing on muscle development and toning.
  • Various Exercises -
    • In addition working out in gym, Jessica does outdoor activities. She has been seen wrapping a rubber exercise band around both ankles and takes lateral steps.
    • She also does sprint on the track. Not forget to mention martial arts and kickboxing.
  • Opt For Compound Exercises – Jessica Biel does full body movement exercises. She trains with medicine ball. For example, she does a lunge with twists while she is holding the ball.
  • Eat Enough – Contrary to belief, she does not cut down her diet. Instead of junk food, she eats organic and natural food.
Jessica Biel’s Workout Regimen
  1. Warm Up - She does five-minute of warm-up on the treadmill, followed by three to five minutes of light stretching. One of her favorite warm-ups was the walking lunge. This stretches the larger leg and glute muscles. With feet together, lunge first with right leg. Bring left foot alongside right. Lunge with left. Do 8 to 10 repetitions per leg.
  2. Cardiovascular exercise – First, she jogs for half a mile to warm up. After that, she does her intervals with 6 sprints. She rests about a minute between each sprint. She sprint for:
    • 2 sets of 200 meter sprints
    • 2 sets of 150 meter sprints
    • 2 sets of 100 meter sprints
    I believe the reason Jessica does this high intensity interval sprint is to prevent her body to get used to her normal cardiovascular done in steady state in the gym. By doing so, she burn more body fat.
  3. Plyometrics training – Plyometrics training is specialized, high intensity training techniques used to develop athletic power (strength and speed).
    • Jessica Biel jumps from the bottom step of a flight of at least 20 stairs with 3 flights in total. When she first started, she complained that the exercise was too tough as her leg muscles were sore a day after.
    • Another plyometric exercise she has done was the jumping squats. Biel would squat on a balance board, use a burst of power to leap into the air, then land back on the board and continue the squat position. She did 12 repetitions of this demanding move. According to her trainer, she hates this, but she also loves it. This exercise tightened up her legs and core muscles.
  4. Weight Training
    • Her weight workout that changed from week to week. Sometimes, she isolates a body part, such as her shoulders. Other times, Biel focuses on opposing body parts, such as chest and back, biceps and triceps, or quadriceps and hamstrings.
    • She also trains with her body weight on squat, pull up and push up.
    • Biel also uses light weights but more repetitions. In fact, her trainer admitted that it was more like a cardio workout. I believe that fat burning is still the key reason for her to train like this.
  5. For the Abs – Jessica Biel did not enjoy leg raises, but her trainer still got her to do so. She also did Russian Twist. Last but not least, she did crunches too.
Jessica Biel’s workout photos taken by paparazzi:
Jessica Biel’s Sample Diet:
  • Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with handful of berries or oatmeal with diced apple and cinnamon, and a side of protein (typically one egg scrambled with three egg whites)
  • Snack: 1 slice whole wheat toast with almond butter and sliced bananas on top.
  • Lunch: Vitamin-rich salad (spinach, asparagus, broccoli) dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil or vinaigrette plus with 5-6 oz of chicken
  • Snack: A banana or apple or strawberries or soy-based protein drinks made with nonfat milk or protein bars or a dozen unsalted almonds.
  • Dinner: 6oz. of fish, plate full of veggies, 1/2 cup of low-glycemic basmati rice. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate.
She always goes for non-processed food. She eats complex carbs at the beginning of the day and tapers off.
Although Biel was in good shape to begin with, she lost 10 pounds and reduced her body fat by 10 percent before shooting Blade Trinity. What amaze me even more when I read that she does not have a scale at home. In other words, she does not care much about her weight.
Justin Timberlake must have been impressed with Jessica Biel’s workout too.
Celebrity like Jessica Biel has the luxury or getting a full time personal trainer at her side. However, the trainer would not get on the machine and work out for her. She is the one who made the commitment for the change. She is the one who choose and eat what is on the plate. When she was interviewed for the secret behind her transformation, she said, “There’s no pill, there’s no diet, there’s no magic drink.”
I believe what she is trying to say, “It is hard work and hard work”.
You may want to check out another success story – Ryan Reynolds who acted along side Jessical Biel in Blade Trinity. Rumor is saying that Kate Beckinsale (star in Underworld and Serendipity) is using Jessica Biel’s workout plan too. No surprise since Kate’s personal trainer is one of Jessica Biel’s personal trainers, Jason Walsh too.

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