Friday, March 25, 2011

5 Steps to Losing 20 Pounds Fast (The Simple & Healthy Way)

Most people are quite capable of losing 10-20 pounds in just a few weeks... and in a simple, healthy way. Just remember this very important rule:

Starving yourself is not the solution!

Cutting calories drastically might help you lose some weight but it'll slow your metabolism and set you up for long-term failure. A much better approach to losing 20 pounds quickly -- in a safe, healthy, simple, and relatively easy way -- is to follow the 5 steps outlined below...

1. Eat protein at every meal.

Protein is one of your best friends when it comes to fast, healthy fat loss. Besides filling you up so you eat fewer calories, protein helps to preserve important lean muscle tissue while speeding up your metabolism. It also helps in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels... which is very important when trying to lose pounds!

Make sure you include some form of protein in every meal and snack you eat.

2. Eat "watery" veggies and fruits.

Eating lots of vegetables and fruits that are high in water content is one of the real "secrets" to losing weight quickly. In general, these foods are non-starchy and very high in fiber. They also happen to be packed with vitamins and minerals that your body -- and its metabolism -- need to function optimally.

The best thing about non-starchy, high-water-content veggies and fruits is that they fill you up quickly while boosting your energy as well. Most also taste pretty darn good. They are truly among the best of all the "good carbs" out there. Try to eat at least 5-6 servings of "watery"/non-starchy fruits and veggies per day.

3. Eat plenty of healthy fats.

Healthy fats -- such as omega 3 fats and monounsaturated fats -- are a vital part of a healthy weight loss diet. Actually, they're a vital part of any healthy diet. Avoiding all fat in the hopes of losing weight quickly is a very big mistake. Avoid only saturated fats (except for virgin coconut oil) and man-made trans fats (such as is found in most margarine products).

Be sure to eat plenty of foods with high levels of healthy fats every day. Some common examples of "good fat" foods are virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds, natural nut oils/butters, avocado, oily fish, etc. You may even want to consider taking a good omega 3 fat supplement to ensure that you're meeting your daily quota of good fats!

4. Cycle your intake of starchy carbs.

Starchy carbs -- such as grain products (breads, pastas, etc.), potatoes, and rice -- can slow the weight loss process. But, at the same time, most people can't stick with strict "low-carb" eating plans that pretty much eliminate starchy carbs altogether.

The solution is to cycle your starchy carb intake on a daily or weekly basis. This avoids the feelings of "starvation" that accompany most low-carb plans while also keeping your metabolism off-balance so that it continues to burn fat and calories at a fast rate.

Carb cycling (aka carb rotation, shifting, etc.) is beyond the scope of this article but you can find a great guide on the subject by clicking here.

5. Eat frequently.

Believe it or not, if you want to lose pounds fast you'll need to eat more often. The key is to eat in a way that keeps your metabolism red hot without providing your body with more calories than it needs (which will be stored as fat).

The simple solution is to eat about 5 or 6 small meals or snack throughout the day instead of the usual 2-3 big meals most people eat. Try to eat every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. Besides keeping your metabolism stoked, eating like this will help to stabilize blood sugar levels and insulin production while keeping you from getting hungry and overeating at any one meal.

So there you go: 5 simple and relatively easy steps for losing 20 pounds fast. These steps alone will allow you to lose a significant amount of weight quickly, but if you add in some regular exercise you could literally "transform" your body within the next month.

Good luck and have fun!

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