Friday, March 25, 2011

The Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

Summer's coming and many people want to get rid of their extra stomach fat as quickly as possible. No matter how fit you are, having an extra layer of ugly fat hanging off your hips and belly just doesn't look very good... especially when you're in a bikini or swimming shorts!

Most people, in their rush to reduce stomach fat, go to extremes by doing thousands of crunches, performing "marathon" aerobic exercise workouts, following crash diets, and/or taking one of the thousands of "fat burning" diet pills being sold all over the place.

Unfortunately, using these kinds of techniques is a recipe for fitness failure!

Sure, you may lose some weight using the above methods, but you're not going to lose much stomach fat and your body really isn't going to look (or feel!) very good in the end. Worse, there's a good chance you'll end up losing vital muscle tissue, slowing down your metabolism significantly, and possibly even damaging your health.

The best way to lose stomach fat fast is to combine 3 of the most effective techniques for burning calories, building muscle, and forcing your body to pump out those "power" hormones that can change the way your body looks very quickly. These techniques include:

  1. Full-body strength training involving multi-joint exercises done in "supersets"
  2. Interval cardio training
  3. A high-protein, low "starchy" carb diet

These are the only techniques proven to boost the metabolism, burn fat, and change the composition of the body (fat-to-muscle ratio) in a relatively short amount of time. The combination of all 3, done on a consistent basis, is an almost surefire solution for getting that stubborn belly fat off of your body quickly!

By the way, although it's true that it's difficult to "spot reduce" and lose fat from one specific part of the body, there is evidence that interval training can burn off fat stored around the midsection faster than other forms of exercise. So forget about all the "ab" training and get going on a good interval-based cardio program!

To learn everything you need to know about eliminating your ugly belly fat for good, be sure to take a look at the Turbulence Training program. It is highly recommended!

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