Saturday, March 26, 2011

Do You Need 6-Pack Abs?

Good question! The first thing to point out is that abs have a very important function that is not cosmetic, its to help stabilize your torso to prevent lower back injuries as well as improves your performance in virtually every sport from golf to MMA. Even if you don't care about getting a visible 6-pack, you have to work your core! Like everything in bodybuilding, its a matter of priorities and you have to decide what your priorities are in your fitness program. Perhaps getting a visible 6-pack isn't on the top of your list, you cant make everything your top priority so you have to decide which are your most important goals and focus on them. Here are some:
  • Increase strength
  • Increase impulse strength (jumping/punching/kicking)
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Lower bodyfat
  • Improve coordination
  • Improve balance
  • Increase endurance
  • Increase speed
  • Increase flexibility
  • Minimize risk of injury
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve vitals (BP, lipid levels, etc)
  • Improve sleep patterns
  • Improve self confidence
Its ok to have other fitness priorities but you cant use them as an excuse for bad nutrition. Whether you want visible 6-pack abs or not, its important to stay lean. Obesity is the #1 health problem in much of the world. Good nutrition is really hard work and its extremely important for a bodybuilder. Its also very important to point out that are many health reasons to reduce your bodyfat other than getting visible 6-pack abs. Here are problems associated with being overweight:
  • Joint problems
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Stroke
  • Liver and Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
Don't believe me? Read what the CDC, has to say. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is the most respected disease research institute on the planet.
Now that we have looked at why its important to stay lean and exercise your core, lets looks as some reasons why you may not want to make 6-pack abs your primary goal. Lets start with priorities. There are a number of sports where the professional athletes don't have abs, for example, powerlifters, sumo wrestlers, and football players. In these sports, their are other priorities higher than low bodyfat. The other group of people who might not want to make a visible 6-pack their first priority is really skinny people. For really skinny people, its probably more appropriate to focus on increasing strength and muscle mass than working on getting visible 6-pack abs. The other group of people who might not to make a visible 6-pack their #1 priority is pre-pubescent teens because they are growing at such a fast rate that its important they are not calorie deprived. Again, its important to be lean but the visible 6-pack might not be a priority. And certainly, anyone with a history of bulimia or other eating disorders should not make getting 6-pack abs a priority.

Twinkie Diet and Other Fad Diets

Weight loss is a huge industry, every month there is another fad diet book hitting the bookstores and the talkshow circuit. How can one differentiate between a dangerous fad diet and a good nutritional plan? First of all, don't be snowed by the authors credentials - use your own good judgment and critical thinking to decide for yourself if something makes sense or not. More than one dangerous, useless fad diet has been touted by a unscrupulous medical doctor interested in making lots of money on book sales. A sure fire sign of a fad diet is some "mysterious weight loss property" like the grapefruit diet suggests. The only thing mysterious is why so many people fall for this ridiculous diet. The current hot topic in dieting is the "Twinkie Diet" suggested by professor Mark Haub's research project which caused me primal pillow-scream when I read about it. The media has taken his research and turned it into a sensationalistic headline which decives people into thinking that maybe junkfood isnt so bad afterall. The first thing I shouted at the top of my lungs upon reading the article (scaring our new dog to death) was:

Weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss!!

The most dangerous misconception about diets is about weight loss. Weight loss is not the same as fat loss. When you weigh less on the scale, it can be because you have lost fat (good), you are dehydrated (bad), or you have lost muscle (very bad). If you weight loss diet is a poorly designed one, like the Twinkie Diet, then you will lose muscle as well as fat!
The one definite truth in the twinkie diet is that when it comes to weighing less on the scale, all that matters is your calorie deficit, not the quality of the calories you eat. Perhaps that's all poor Professor Haub was trying to prove, what was inexcusable though is that he measured BMI which is a useless height/weight calculation rather than bodyfat percentage which tells you the true body composition. Had he measured bodyfat percentage I suspect he would have found he lost significant muscle mass.
My mom always told me "You get what you pay for" and that's true with diets as well as with life in general, only in this case you are not paying with money, you are paying with effort. If you want an easy diet, you get bad results. If you want great results you have to be willing to put in lots of work.

So ask yourself, what is the goal of your diet?
  1) lose muscle and fat
  2) lose only fat
  3) lose fat, and gain muscle

1) lose muscle and fat
fad diet results
Yes you can lose 40lbs in 10 weeks eating exclusively twinkies, its easy and fun!. Sounds too good to be true, huh? Well, like my mom always says "If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS". Because your body is malnourished and not getting any protein or vitamins, not only is your life in danger but your body cannibalizes your muscles in order to stay alive. A significant portion of the 40lbs lost will be muscle, who wants to lose muscle??? The only possible reason I could think of to be on a diet like this is to fit in a wedding dress where you don't care what you lose (fat or muscle) as long as it makes you smaller. Good nutrition is far more important when dieting if you care about your muscle mass.

2) lose fat maintain muscle
common sense diet results
Using this method, its a bit more work but your results are much better. You wont lose any muscle mass, all the weight lost will be fat. This method also takes longer, but we all know from mom that "good things take time" :) Sorry, I will stop quoting my mom here. If you want to lose the fat while maintaining the muscle, you can use old fashioned good nutrition and moderate exercise. Losing weight this way isn't difficult and it really doesn't require any big sacrifices, just make smart substitutions: have a baked potato instead of fries, have a grilled chicken sandwich no mayo instead of a cheeseburger with special sauce, have a bowl of fruit instead of a piece of cake. You will never be hungry and it doesn't require any big changes to your lifestyle. For this you need to do daily cardio, just 20 minutes of walking 5 days a week is fine. Some simple bodyweight workouts at home three times a week for 15 minutes will insure that you don't lose muscle mass and you will probably gain a bit of muscle if you have never worked out before. Losing fat while maintaining muscle is something that everyone can do!

3) lose fat and gain muscle
strict nutrition and agressive exercise results
The holy grail of fitness is to lose fat AND gain muscle and it IS possible! With education, dedication, strict nutrition, and hard work almost anyone can do this! Again, notice that this takes a lot longer than the twinkie diet, a full year instead of 10 weeks but with this plan you can gain 10lbs muscle and lose 40 pounds of fat - a true body transformation like Nhat accomplished. If you want to gain muscle while losing fat, you need hardcore weight training 5 days a week and 30-60min intense cardio every day. Most importantly though, you need strict nutrition, the quality of every single calorie counts. Strict means you have to be a nutritional nazi like me. Not a single calorie of sugar, simple carbs, bad oils, or alcohol. Every single calorie has to be loaded with vitamins, fiber, protein, complex carbs or all four. You need to cut your calories by 10%, no more, eat 6 well balanced meals a day, each with 1/6 of your daily protein and lots of vegetables. For an example of a nutritional meal that will let you lose fat and gain muscle, use my calorie calculator - it will plan a perfect meal for your weight loss. Now you understand why so many people claim this isn't possible, because its such HARD WORK!

So yes, you can lose weight eating just twinkies but you will be losing muscle as well as fat. I know my fans are much better informed about nutrition that the general population, its not you I'm trying to reach - its your friends and family! If any overweight family member boasts at the table about how all that dieting stuff is poppycock and you can lose weight eating just twinkies, please excuse yourself from the table politely, do a primal pillow-scream in the bathroom, then come back to the table and explain the difference between weight loss and fat loss.


Quick Healthy Meals

Here are some great healthy meals that you can make in just a few minutes. I am a horrible cook and I don't have time to shop, if I can do it you can too! If you are trying to gain muscle while losing fat then you need to be very strict with your nutrition and these meals fit the bill! These meals are truly easy, here are my standards:
  • no more than two ingredients
  • no chopping
  • dirties no more than one dish
  • takes no more than 5 minutes of my time
My standards for "healthy" is equally as tough to meet:
  • high in protein, at least 20g protein in a 300 cal serving
  • low in fat, no more than 5g fat in a 300cal serving
  • high in fiber, at least 7g fiber in a 300 cal serving
  • no simple carbohydrates
  • minimal processing
Many have called my meals "boring", to them I say that you just need to train your palette to enjoy the subtle flavors of natural foods. For those of you who just can't stomach this stuff I make, please see the book review on the highly rated bodybuilding cookbook.
ScoobySnack Protein Bars
I perfected this recipe for all you students and hard working folks out there who dont have time to eat 6 healthy meals a day but want to maximize your ability to gain muscle and lose fat. These are healthy, cheap, and convienient. They dont even involve cooking! The only problem with this is that they taste so good that you might be tempted to eat too many of them. These are meal replacmement bars, dont overuse them!
Here is the recipe for my ScoobySnack Protein Bars.

You "dont have time to cook"? You "cant afford healthy food"? Poppycock!! Here is a recipe that's really healthy, easy to make, dirt cheep, and FAST! Even students can make this. It takes about a minute per serving which is much faster than standing in the line at McDonalds and much healthier.
Lentils are a wonder-bean. Tons of protein, fiber and vitamins. There is a reason that many people who dont want to eat meat or cant afford to eat meat choose lentils.

Egg whites are a great source of protein, this recipe shows you how to make them a tasty complete meal - in 3min!
Quinoa is a wonder grain, high in protein, high in fiber, and low in fat. Even I can cook it, just two ingredients: quinoa and salsa. Let it boil 15min and its done. Add a piece of fruit and its a complete meal.
If you are trying to cut down on the calories to lose fat, peas are great because all the fiber fills you up without many calories. If you are trying to gain muscle peas are great because they are so high in protein. If you want, you can put some chunked chicken or salmon into the peas for more protein.
Beans are an excellent source of protein and one of the cheapest. The fresh salsa provides a great flavor and some veggies. Add a piece of fruit for a complete meal.
A home made protein shake from bananas, whey and OJ or milk. OK, I know this violated my two ingredient rule but I cut it some slack because it didn't dirty any pot.
Don't even have time for those quick recipes? Here are some that only require no cooking at all, just heating up! Each of these meals only requires:
  • can opener
  • microwave
  • blender
Some Suggested Easy Meals:
2 biscuits (47g)
1.5 (360ml)cups nonfat milk
1 orange
365 calories
3% calories from fat
19.5g protein
7.7g fiber
1/2 cup (40g) dry oatmeal
1.5 (360ml)cups nonfat milk
1 plum

315 calories
6% calories from fat
19.5g protein
5.7g fiber
1 low fat TV dinner
2/3 cup frozen veggies
320 calories
5% cals from fat
18g protein
6g fiber
2/3 cup (95g) frozen mixed veggies
1 cup (260g) kidney beans
290 calories
0% cals from fat
17g protein
13g fiber
2 2/3 cups (380g) mixed vegetables
1/2 can (70g) boneless skinless salmon
310 calories
3% calories from fat
28g protein
12g fiber
25g whey protein (type I use)
1cup orange juice
1 frozen banana
315 calories
3% cals from fat
27g protein
2g fiber
Emergency Meals - No heating, refrigeration, or preparation required.  Keep these in your backpack, car or office desk for times when you have "no time" to eat.
3/4 can chili
315 calories
12% cals from fat
24g protein
10g fiber
1/2 cup oats
25g whey protein (type I use)
260 calories
10% cals from fat
30g protein
4g fiber

Efficient Running Technique - For Heavy and Light Runners

This is an exciting running technique which can help you run faster if you are already a good runner and it can help you run without injury if you are "running-challenged" like I am. Why should you take my advice on running? I can only run 7 minute miles, and I'm even slower when I do the 10K portion of a triathlon so I'm certainly not the fastest runner. Why listen to a very large, slow, 50 year old runner with chronic tendonitis and a bi-partate patella? Because to run at all I needed to find the most efficient, lowest impact running technique possible! 140 pound teens don't need technique, they can just spin their legs quickly to run fast.
There are two advantages to my technique
  1. It is more efficient, allowing you to run faster and have better endurance
  2. It reduces joint stresses to a bare minimum reducing the chance of injury


Ever watch the Kentucky Derby? Have you noticed that jockeys don't sit on the horses? Ever wonder why that is? The jockey uses his knees and quads to effectively "float" above the horse, this minimizes inertial losses. Inertial losses occurs when something bounces. When a rubber ball bounces, each bounce is lower than the last because in each bounce part of the energy is converted into heat. Likewise, if a jockey just sits limp on the horse then the horse has to work extra hard to bounce the jockey up and down. On the other hand, if the jockey uses his legs as self-leveling device to keep his torso "floating" over the track at a constant height then the work the horse must produce to move the jockey is minimized. See where this is headed?

Fast forward to the gym, we have all experienced this. You hear this WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! coming from the treadmill area - it sounds like a clydesdale horse running on the treadmill. You look and to your surprise, its not a 400lb man but a 90lb woman! If you watch carefully, you will see that the woman is POUNDING the treadmill. Each stride she bounces up what seems like many inches then she lands straight legged, heel first and BANGS the treadmill like she was trying to kill monster cockroaches. She is like the jockey sitting limp on the horse, she is bouncing up and down and all that bouncing wastes energy that could be used to propel her forward!

Minimize Joint Stresses

Does this sound like you? You say you can't run because:
    • you are too fat
    • big bodybuilders "can't" run
    • your knee hurts
    • your foot hurts
    • your hip hurts
    • you are too old
Well with this technique, even people who have joint issues (like me) find they can run because the stresses on the joints are minimized. If you have run in the past and had injuries or problems, its probably because you were running like the 90lb woman trying to crush cockroaches - wham, wham, wham! The impact force on the knee can be 300% to 400% of bodyweight with this type of running, that means that the 90lb person can generate 360lbs of force on the knee joint. People who are light can sometimes get away with this brutal running technique but heavier folks like myself cannot. The problem is that the knee joint of a 300lb person is basically the same knee as the 90lb person, if an average human knee can handle 400lbs of force, then the 90lb person can get away with the cockroach crushing running style because for them it only generates 360lbs of force. However, the 300lb person using the same horrible running technique generates a bone-crushing 1200lbs force on a knee joint that can only withstand 400lbs. Now do you see why running technique is so incredibly important for us heavy folks??

Scooby's Running Technique

My running technique has three components. They are not hard to master because each of the steps is easy to visualize and train independently.
  • The Floating Head
  • Claw and Kick
  • The Torsional Spring
The Floating Head.
Like the prize winning jockey, your goal is to float over the ground. Watch the beautiful video up above, that's what you want to achieve. Your head should neither bounce up or down, but just float at a constant height over the ground. If you "float" rather than bounce then you are using your energy to propel yourself forward rather than wasting it on the inertial losses of bouncing up and down. Visualize a tea cup filled with scalding water on top of your head - don't spill it! You can even try running while balancing something on your head. You will naturally fall into the non-bounce stride when you think of your head floating. Mid stride you will bend your knees a bit more to keep your torso from bouncing upward. There are a number of ways to practice this and break yourself of the traditional "heel first, roll onto your ball" crush those cockroaches running technique. Barefoot running on pavement is way too dangerous in my book, save that for elite runners and those with 1/2" foot calluses. My favorite place to practice this is by running barefoot on hard pack sand, low tide provides nice hard sand. The hard pack sand is hard enough to constantly remind you that you cant land heel first but soft enough to provide some cushion and prevent injury. For those who don't have access to sand, use Scooby's patented pea technique. Taking cue from sleeping beauty, a pea is a great and inexpensive training device. In your running shoes, take a split pea and tape it in the heel of each shoe with the flat side down directly under the center of the heel. Best to use painters masking tape and replace it after every run, duct tape turns into a sticky, gooey mess. What this does is provide a gentle reminder on every stride to land on your claws (the ball of your foot) and not your heel! If you attempt to use the clydesdale cockroach crushing heel first running technique you will be very quickly and painfully reminded that you need to land on the balls of your foot. If the split pea is a bit too painful for you, start out with a lentil. A good way to check if your floating head technique is working is to look carefully at the horizon while you are running. If you are running properly, it should look like a rock-steady pan-cam in a movie. If you are doing it incorrectly you will see the horizon jolt and shake on every footfall. Note, you have to look at the horizon or something very far away to notice this effect easily.
It takes a long time to gain the ankle flexibility and the calf strength required to do this kind of running, you need to ramp up very carefully to avoid overuse injuries. When you are first starting out, only practice this for 5 min twice a week for the first month. The second month, increase the time to 10 min twice a week. Continue adding 5 minutes to the time every month till you work up to your normal running duration. Continue ramping up in this fashion till you can do your whole run without landing heel first. Running barefoot on sand you need to be especially careful and use the slow ramp up technique. Not only do our have our foot muscles atrophied from wearing shoes but they have decreased ankle flexibility, this is why many people who run barefoot get achilles problems. Take a look at a pair of tennis shoes or running shoes - the heel is significantly higher than the ball of the fool. What this means is that when you are walking the trailing ankle does not have to bend as much, take off the shoes and the ankle has to bend another 5 degrees. This may not sound like much but it can be enough to cause serious pain if you don't have the required flexibility.
Claw and Kick.
Running speed is your leg rpm multiplied by your stride length. If you can increase your stride length you will run faster without having to turn your legs into a human egg beater. Think about a long stride. Visualize the logo of the FTD florist, the runner with one leg extended way out front nearly horizontal and the rear leg pointed backward also nearly horizontal. Hamstring flexibility is required for this extension, you might need to start a daily stretching routine. Sand is the perfect place to practice this as I have found being barefoot makes it much easier to visualize your "claws". When you put your foot forward, try to put your claws in first and put reach them as far forward as you can. Try to keep your rear foot in the sand as long as you can, even try to flick sand backward with your toes. Claw and kick, claw and kick. Visualize that FTD florist logo!

The Torsional Spring.
Most people run like a poorly animated cartoon character, their legs spin like an egg beater while their torso is completely motionless. The core of your body, that is the abs and obliques, can help you run faster and longer if you let them. Use your core as a torsional spring. You know those old fashioned anniversary clocks that only need winding once a year on your anniversary? The pendulum on these clocks hangs from a thin metal torsional spring which allows the pendulum to spin one direction, then it slows down and stops, then spins the other direction. Think of your torso as this torsional spring. Every stride, your shoulders stay motionless while your hips rotate with respect to them - this does several things. First it lengthens your stride (which makes you run faster) because your hips are twisted, your forward foot can reach further forward and your rearward foot can reach further back. Second, by engaging your ab muscles in the running you are putting more muscle power into your stride - allowing you to run faster and further. The "torsional spring" technique works amazing when combined with the "Claw and Kick" technique but perfect each of them separately before putting them together.

Starting a Running Program

This is a good time to point out that its always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Running is the most natural thing, but if its been decades since you ran or you are significantly overweight you need to start your running program very cautiously to avoid injury. Often people get very excited about their weight loss program and in their zeal to exercise and lose weight they get injured - don't let this happen to you! Running is easy and good for the body but you have to build up your strength and endurance slowly. First a shout out to the couch-to-5K running program, when I first started running I used some of their ideas to get started. If you are over 260lbs, I would not recommend running but rather would stick to walking till you get below 240lbs or so. Walking coupled with good nutrition can help you drop the weight quickly so that you can start this running program.
Week Workout (twice a week)
1 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 15 minutes.
Follow with 10min of fast walking
2 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Follow with 5min of fast walking
3 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 60 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Follow with 5min of fast walking
4 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 30 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Follow with 5min of fast walking
5 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 30 seconds of walking for a total of 25 minutes.
6 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 30 seconds of walking for a total of 30 minutes.
7 Five minute fast walk.
Alternate 120 seconds of jogging and 10 seconds of walking for a total of 30 minutes.
8 Five minute fast walk.
Slow jog for 30 minutes
9 Five minute fast walk.
Slow jog for 35 minutes
10 Five minute fast walk.
Slow jog for 40 minutes
You will only be running two days a week, on your off days do a 20-40minute walk. Some important notes, you gotta have good running shoes. To reduce the chance of injury you need all the shock absorption you can get. I would also advise starting your first 6 weeks on a track if you can because the cinder or rubberized surface provides additional cushioning.

3 Minute Ab Workout

This is a 3-minute ab workout that will give you a strong core for better sports performance and also protect your lower back from injury in everyday life.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. If you a big belly, you can't get washboard abs by doing this ab workout, or any other ab workout. It breaks my heart when I see overweight people at the gym doing 30 minute ab workouts, what they really should be doing is 27 minutes of jogging and this 3 minute ab workout. This 3-minute ab workout will make your abs strong, losing weight with good nutrition and cardio will make your abs visible by removing the fat covering them.
This workout is for those wanting flat, tight abs like a marathon runner. If you want big, powerful abs with big ridges and deep valleys like a pro bodybuilder then my killer ab workout is what you should be doing instead of this 3 minute ab workout. If you are not sure which workout you should be doing, then please watch this video "Big Abs, Flat Abs" where I explain the difference.

The 3 Minute Ab Workout

For best results, do this every day or every other day. Set a timer for 3 minutes and stop when it goes off. This workout consists of three exercises: crunches, planks and bicycles.
crunch Start off by doing as many crunches with good form as you can. Use slow controlled crunches lifting your shoulders up toward the ceiling. Don't flap your arms or nod your head. To see proper form for crunches, watch this crunch video. When you cant do any more with good form ...
left plank Do a plank on your left side. Put your left forearm on the floor and then straighten your body as straight and rigid as an I-Beam. Hold this as long as you can without sagging. When you start to sag ...
bicycles Do bicycles. These are great because they do your obliques and abs at the same time. Lift your shoulder to your opposite knee while keeping the opposing shoulder on the floor, then alternate. To see the proper form of the bicycle, watch this video. When you cant do any more with good form ...
right plank Do a plank on your right side. Put your right forearm on the floor and again, hold your body straight and rigid as an I-Beam. Hold this as long as you can without sagging. When you start to sag ...
  Start all over again, no rest!!!!

Now lets talk about how you adapt this 3 minute if you have a really strong core. Many people could do crunches with good form for 5 minutes and the 3 minute timer would ding before they got a chance to do the other 3 exercises. For you people with abs of steel out there, you need to do weighted crunches and bicycles. Hold a weight behind your head like this with you head gently resting on the plate, choose a weight so that you can only do about 30s with good form.

That's my 3 minute ab workout. Strong abs are critical for optimal performance in every sport out there but more importantly, strong abs are important to support your lower back and prevent injury in every day lifting. And remember,

6-pack abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym!


Cardiovascular exercise ("Cardio" for short) is more important for your general health than weightlifting. More important than that to most people is that cardiovascular exercise helps you lose fat and look better! The quickest way to look like you have packed on 10lbs muscle is to lose 10lbs of fat, its a really cool bodybuilding illusion. It can take a years to add muscle but in a month you can look more muscular just by losing weight, it's because bodyfat makes the body round and shapeless which hides the muscles. Just check my video comments over the last 6 weeks, I dropped 7lbs of bodyfat with carb cycling and everyone keeps commenting how much more massive I look even though I haven't gained an ounce of muscle. So if you don't do cardio for your health, do it for your appearance!
Cardio is a confusing topic to many so I cover it in detail here. I discuss how much cardio to do, when do cardio, and how to know what is good cardio.
The Importance of Cardio
If you don't have time to do cardiovascular exercise, then skip weightlifting so you can do it - its that important.  Cardiovascular exercise should not be boring, it should be fun!  If you have to do cardio at the gym then find a good book, listen to the radio or books on tape - find a way to make it interesting and enjoyable.  Better yet, find a sport you love and do it with a spouse or friend and the time will fly by.  Walking, jogging, cycling, soccer, skateboarding, or whatever excites your passions.  If you don't have much time then jog to the gym, walk you kids to school, walk your dog, or start using your bike for transportation.  If you don't belong to a gym, and don't have a thousand dollars for a good stationary cardio machine, buy a jump-rope!  Jumping rope is an amazingly intense aerobic workout, in fact, you will probably have to start with just a few minutes and work up to 20-30 minutes a day.  Jumping rope is not only an amazing aerobic workout but is great at increasing coordination.  Contrary to popular belief, jumping rope is not monotonous either if done properly and takes a lot of concentration.  One drawback is that you need a room with high ceilings to jump rope or you need to do it outside.  Here are some great reasons to do cardio:
  • To lose fat! - want 6-pack abs, only way is to lose fat thru cardio and nutrition.
  • Cardio can improve your mood and significantly reduce depression.  Its been proven by study after study, cardio can make you happier! 
  • Perform better at school or work!  Daily cardio reduces mental fatigue and gives you more energy. A recent study from the U of G showed that daily cardio reduces fatigue by 65%
  • Tons of other health reason -
    • reduce risk of heart disease
    • reduce blood pressure
    • reduce risk of diabetes
    • live longer - 2hrs longer for every 1hr exercise

How much cardio? 
If you are happy with your body fat percentage and just want to keep your heart healthy then follow the American Heart Association's guidelines and do 30 minutes of  light exercise (walking, gardening, etc) a day.  If you want to lose body fat then try and do 30-60 minutes of strenuous cardio (swimming, running, fast biking) every day.
If you are lacking in time then find some part of your week where you can bike for transportation instead of driving, to work, the gym, or the grocery store perhaps?  Time sitting in your car is not only expensive but it is a waste of time, try and find some way of biking instead of driving the car.  If you are overweight enough that you don't feel comfortable biking then walking is a great option.  Try walking as transportation, beats wasting time sitting in traffic.

When should you do your cardio? 
There is a lot of confusion about when to do cardio, I get asked this question all the time! As many of you have heard, doing cardio before you eat in the morning burns off more calories so is that the best time? Lots believe that the right time to do cardio is before a weight workout to provide a warmup but just as many believe that the right time is afterward. Who is right? None of them! All of them!
The right time to do cardio is when you are most likely to do it! Cardio is very important and its 100x more important that you actually DO your cardio than when to do it! Lets look at some of the pros and cons of doing cardio at various times.
Doing Cardio And Weight Workouts Separately
Its optimal to do your cardio and weight workouts completely separately, that is, with four or more hours of rest between them. This way, neither workout interferes with the other and you can give each 110% effort. For those of us who workout at home, this is easy to do. For those who go to gyms, its not as easy if you depend on the stationary equipment for your cardio because then you need to make a second trip to the gym. Now lets look at the non-optimal compromises.

Doing Cardio Before Breakfast
Yes, studies have shown that you burn off more calories if you do cardio before breakfast, but its a lousy time to do cardio in my opinion because you wont do your cardio for nearly as long. Who can focus on cardio when your stomach is growling and you feel faint from lack of food? Not me! Besides, doing cardio before breakfast isn't the most convenient time for most folks.

Doing Cardio Before A Weight Workout
The fans of doing cardio before a weight workout point to its ability to help warm up your muscles to prevent injury, true it does this. For those who significantly overweight or are fitness beginners, walking or light jogging is the recommended cardio. For these people doing their walking or light jogging before their weight workout is perfect, it warms them up and doesn't interfere with their weight workout. On the other hand, intermediate to advanced athletes need to push themselves much harder in their cardio workouts - they get their heartrate higher and keep it elevated for longer. Cardio workouts of this intensity will exhaust the body to the point where the weight workout will be lackluster at best reducing potential strength and mass gains. If you are an intermediate or advanced athlete whose time is at a premium and don't feel its important to add more muscle mass then doing cardio before the weight workout is ok, otherwise find a better time to do cardio.

Doing Cardio After A Weight Workout
Doing cardio after a weight workout is my personal favorite, its not optimal but its a very good use of time if you are doing your cardio at a gym because it eliminates the need for a second trip to the gym. I always find that even after an intense weight workout, I still can give cardio the intensity it needs. One thing I always do though is make sure to eat a small meal after lifting weights before starting the cardio. Meal timing is important and its important to get a meal right after weight lifting and waiting till after you do 45min of cardio, shower, and get home is too much of a delay. If you do your cardio after your weight workout, you need to find some alternative way to warmup your muscles before the weight workout, not a big deal.

Cardio Is NOT Boring!
If you find cardio boring then you are doing something wrong and you need to fix it. How can you do this? Well, try doing your cardio outside in the real world if you can. Go for a bikeride thru the park, go jogging alongside the river. Join a soccer team or play ultimate frisbee, team sports have a way of making your cardio time fly by. If you are stuck indoors because of weather, you can still make those dreary stationary machines exciting. Watch your favorite TV show while you are doing cardio or read your favorite trashy magazine. Another way to make cardio engrossing is to download lots of interesting podcasts or music to your iPod/iPhone. An iPhone remote can make your iPod/iPhone much easier to use while doing cardio and makes it much less likely you will drop it. This is your chance to get away from the stress of everyday life and have fun!

What is "good cardio"? 
Its clear that there is a lot of confusion about cardio, its really quite simple.  Lets start with the basics.  The purpose of cardio is to elevate your heart rate and keep it (in the purple zone) there for at least 20 minutes.   How elevated does your heart rate need to be?  Depends on your goal, your age, and your health.  If you have medical conditions, ask your doctor what is appropriate for you.  If you are in good health, you can use these charts from the AHA
Age Target HR Zone 50–85 % Average Maximum Heart Rate 100 %
20 years 100–170 beats per minute 200 beats per minute
25 years 98–166 beats per minute 195 beats per minute
30 years 95–162 beats per minute 190 beats per minute
35 years 93–157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute
40 years 90–153 beats per minute 180 beats per minute
45 years 88–149 beats per minute 175 beats per minute
50 years 85–145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute
55 years 83–140 beats per minute 165 beats per minute
60 years 80–136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute
65 years 78–132 beats per minute 155 beats per minute
70 years 75–128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute
So if you are wondering if a particular activity is good cardio, its simple to find out.  Do it for a minimum of 20 minutes then measure your heart rate (15sx4) and compare it to the above chart.  If your heart rate is in the target zone, then its good cardio - simple as that.   With many forms of cardio, like cycling or walking, its easy to get lazy and just lolli-gag along.  Its important that you monitor your heart rate during the cardio to make sure that you are not slacking off.  Just a note, walking has the lowest dropout rate of all forms of cardio - probably because its so enjoyable.
OK, now lets talk about cardio equipment. I get lots of questions asking if a particular kind of cardio equipment is good.   First of all, I don't recommend buying ANY equipment.  I'd much rather see you get exercise outdoors by cycling, jogging, or playing soccer, its cheaper and more enjoyable.  If you have to workout in your home, I would recommend a cheap jump rope.  Having said that, if you are determined to spend money on equipment for indoor use, here is how you can tell if a piece of equipment is good. 
First of all, good cardio equipment is very expensive and typically costs over a thousand dollars  and has three main characteristics
  • It gets your heart rate into the target zone
  • adjustable speed, very impt
  • sturdy = heavy, never seen anything sturdy under 50lbs most well over a hundred
  • sufficient adjustable resistance
OK, some common questions I get about cardio.  Many people seem to be looking for shortcuts to cardio.  What if I sprint, can I just do 1 mile?  NO! You must do your cardio a MINIMUM of 20min, preferably 40-60min.  What if I do interval training, can I just do 15min - NO!  You must do your cardio a MINIMUM of 20min, preferably 40-60min.  I get questions about interval training all the time so lets talk about that a moment.  Interval training is alternating bursts of speed followed by short rests, for example in running you might sprint for 60s and walk for 30s.  Studies have shown that exercising in this fashion can burn off more calories than steady cardio.  If you want to do interval training
  1. you still need to do it for a min of 20min daily
  2. don't rest so long that your heart rate drops below the target heart rate zone (purple)
  3. Be mindful of injuries, make sure to stretch - you are much more likely to get injured sprinting than
Wow, I'm really groggy myself.  Time for me to do cardio before I fall asleep.
Some important references:

Portion Control

The more you know, the more you realize how little you know so if you think you know everything then you know nothing.
One area where my bodybuilding ideas have been challenged the most by our excellent moderators and members on the AskScooby forum is in the arena of nutrition. I had to make significant changes to my nutrition page. Two of the main areas where I did a nutritional 180 was on fats and portion control. I used to be a hardcore, "the less fat consumed, the better" person but have been reformed. The other area where I have been reformed is in the area of portion control. My stance used to be that you should never count calories because that would lead to deprivation which would lead to binging which would lead to failure. I used to think that as long as you at a healthy diet high in fresh vegetables and whole grains that you could eat as much as you want and you would still lose weight. What I learned the hard way was that ...
You can always out-eat your exercise!
I would do two, three hours of really intense cardio a day, eat piles of vegetables but yet the fat only came off at a snails pace. I figured that with all the exercise I was doing that I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight, certainly all the healthy food I wanted. The only thing getting sore was my jaw from chewing so many vegetables. What I didnt realize is that eating healthy food and exercising a lot was only two thirds of the equation for reducing bodyfat, the missing part was portion control!
Reducing bodyfat requires:
And portion control is not a horrible thing, don't think diet and deprivation. Portion control for many is making sure they eat enough! From my experience, most people fail in their quest to reduce bodyfat not because they eat too much but because they don't eat enough! At the start of their diets, they are excited, ambitious and eager to lose the fat quickly - too quickly. They drastically cut their calories which causes two problems, first they burn muscle and second they feel deprived. For a week or two they are really excited that they are losing weight so fast but then the feelings of deprivation set in until the tipping point where they go off the diet and binge. If you want to lose bodyfat, the proper caloric reduction is ten to twenty percent - no more. You cant rely on a table in a book to figure out how many calories you should consume as there are too many variables that determine how many calories your body needs in a day (your TDEE). You need a precise value from a calorie calculator so that you don't reduce your intake too much!
What I personally have found is that if I eat a healthy diet, and reduce my calories by 20% that I am never hungry. Note the emphasis on healthy diet. A diet high in fiber and complex carbs is key to losing weight without being hungry. I can guarantee you that if you cut your calories by 20% but eat cheeseburgers and potato chips that you wont be successful!
So portion control consists of two parts, knowing how many calories to consume and the second part is insuring that you consume that calculated number of calories. Your #1 tool in this task is a digital kitchen scale.
Before you can weigh it though, you have to take that daily calorie total you calculated using the calorie calculator and turn that into meals. This is where most people fail. You have several options:
  • You can use the meals that my calorie calculator or carb cycling meal planner automatically generate for you.
  • You can slog thru it the old fashioned way, looking up the nutritional value of everything you eat and adding it up.
  • You can use an iPhone application like "Lose It" to help you plan your meal
  • Use a free interactive meal planner
  • Buy access to a bodybuilding specific interactive meal planner, the best I have found is from Will Brink and you get lifetime access if you buy his eBook.
Once you have a meal plan for the day, weigh everything that passes your lips!

Advanced Fat Loss - Carb Cycling

In my opinion, carb cycling is the most promising fat loss concept around. With carb cycling it appears you get the rapid fat loss of a low-carb diet and the ability to drop your bodyfat to a very low level without cannibalizing muscle mass or without the many other drawbacks associated with a low-carb diet. Carb cycling is an advanced technique requiring true dedication, its not for the casual person trying to lose a few pounds. Carb cycling is appropriate if:
    1. you are over 18 years old
    2. you are in perfect health
    3. you currently have 4-pack abs (under 12% bodyfat)
    4. your goal is to get shredded (3-6% bodyfat) fast without losing muscle
    5. you have very strong willpower and don't need cheat meals
If you answered 'No' to any of those questions then common sense exercise and nutrition is all you need. On the other hand, if you are a bodybuilder who is stuck with 4-pack abs and you just cant seem to remove the bodyfat over those lower abs to get stunning washboard 6-pack abs with veins in the lower abs then carb cycling could be what you need! The leaner you are, the harder it is to remove fat without removing muscle - carb cycling can help you achieve this.
Extended low-carb diets put your body into the starvation response where muscle is burnt and your metabolic rate drops slowing the weight loss- not what we want! Carb cycling avoids this starvation response by reloading the carbohydrates every 4th day. This keeps your metabolism running at 100% to burn a maximum of fat off without burning any muscle, hot! This is an advanced fat loss method and it takes a lot more effort and dedication than most people can muster but its the only way to get from 10% bodyfat down to the 5% and get truly ripped without losing muscle mass. When you see your personalized meal plan that is required to use this carb cycling technique, you will see immediately why only highly motivated individuals will succeed - it is very strict. You must count, weigh and tally the nutritional content of every single mouth full of food.
The roots of this carb-cycling concept appear to be the zig-zag diet by Dr. Fred Hatfield. The experts and creators of the carb-cycling diet are Will Brink and Tom Venuto who both have written excellent books on losing fat - if you want to know more information about how carb-cycling fat loss works then check out their books, you can also read my review of their books.
The four day carb cycle consists of three days low carb followed by one day of high carbs. The math for figuring out the daily nutrition in a carb cycling plan is really complicated and most people don't have the time to figure it out or the money to hire a nutritionist to do it for them which is why I have developed this free online carb cycling meal planner. In 20 seconds you can have a free personalized carb cycling meal plan tailored to your precise metabolic needs without ever having to read a nutritional label or get out your calculator!
People ask how long they need to stay on this carb-cycling diet, the answer is, until you reach your goal! It should be somewhere between two and eight weeks depending on your initial bodyfat. If it takes more than 8 weeks, you are doing something very wrong. Carb-cycling is a short term tool, get on, lose the fat, get off and go back to your normal healthy diet high in vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. There are no cheat meals or "blowing it" allowed, if you dont have the dicipline to maintain strict nutritional control for this two-eight week period then do not use carb-cycling! You either do carb cycling or you don't.
The following five questions use the Harris Benedict equation to establish your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and from that I calculate the nutritional composition of your high carb days and your low carb days.

Lose Fat The Easy Way

Don't Drink Your Calories!
Being shirtless in freezing weather is the hardest way possible to lose fat, let me share with you the easiest way to lose fat - Don't drink your calories! With this one easy little change, you can lose fat. When you consume calories in liquid form, you don't get the same fullness as when you consume solid food - so you consume more calories.
Lets take a simple example, fruit juice. What's more American than a big glass of orange juice for breakfast? A 24oz glass of orange juice has 330 calories and I could easily polish off two glasses in 5 minutes because I love the stuff - that's 660 calories. Do you know how many fresh oranges I would have to eat to get that many calories? Almost Ten! Neither you nor I could eat 10 oranges, our jaws would cramp from that much chewing! We might be able to eat two. This is a great illustration of why you don't drink your calories, with the OJ its takes 660 calories to satisfy me but with the fresh fruit it takes only 140 calories. If I made that simple substitution every morning I would lose 4.5lbs of fat a month.
Lets take a look at why eating your calories is better than drinking them. First because it takes longer to eat calories than drink them. The reason this is important is that your body has a feedback mechanism that is used to tell you when you have eaten enough food but it can take 10 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain to turn off that conveyer belt to your mouth. Now I can polish off those two huge glasses of OJ in about 2 minutes when I'm thirsty and the brain cant react fast enough to shut down the drinking at the proper time. Our bodies were not designed for high calorie beverages, cavemen didn't have OJ and coke, they had to work hard to gather their meager calories.
The second reason that eating your calories is better than drinking them is fiber. Fiber is good because it physically jams up your stomach and makes you feel full without adding any calories. Most juices have no fiber at all. Even if you get the OJ with "lots of pulp" it has only a small fraction of what you would get by eating a fresh orange. Part of what tells your brain that you have had enough to eat is the amount of bulk in your stomach, juice has no bulk so it takes a lot more.
The worst part about drinking your calories is that most people don't think about them or think they are important - they are hidden calories. Those two spoons of sugar and those two tablespoon of half and half in your coffee just cost your 70 calories.
I get this question all the time, what about diet sodas? They have no calories so they are ok - right? Maybe, maybe not. The evidence is mixed. Its quite possible that they increase your appetite for sweets and indirectly cause you to gain weight that way.
What about milk, milk is healthy - right? Maybe, but if you are trying to lose fat then you the same mantra applies - don't drink your calories! Its ok to put a bit of nonfat milk on your cereal but its not ok to drink it as a beverage when you are thirsty.
What about beer, wine, and mixed drinks? I think you know the answer to this by now - NO! Don't drink your calories! Beer is probably tied with coke for the #1 reason that Americans are obese. By cutting out those two beers each night after work you can lose 2.5lbs of fat a month!
So want to lose fat the quick and easy way without a single lap around the track? DONT DRINK YOUR CALORIES, EAT THEM! Just drink plain tap water, or if you are addicted to the bubbles of sodas like I am then make your own carbonated water .

The Truth About Abs

I'm going to dispel six common myths that are exploited to sell an un-suspecting public expensive gadgets that they do not need.
Myth 1 - you get abs by doing ab exercises
This is the worst myth. For 95% of you, doing crunches, situps, or ab machines will NOT get you abs. You already HAVE abs, if you didn't your torso would be as limp as cooked spaghetti. The real problem is that your abs are hidden. To see a visible 6-pack you have to remove the fat that is covering your abs. Doing ab exercises will NOT remove this fat, only eating less and doing more cardio gets rid of the fat. Let me say that again, to get 6-pack abs you need to eat less and do more cardio! Grab the roll of skin/fat at your waist and pinch, how thick is it? If its more than 1/2", that fat is the reason you don't have a visible 6-pack!
Now if you you skinfold measurement over your lower abs is less than 1/4" and you still have no 6-pack, count your blessings! Your problem is much easier to solve, for you, you need to make your ab muscles bigger thru ab exercises using heavy weight and low reps as with any muscle group that you want to make grow. Here is a great hard core ab workout you can do to make your ab muscles bigger.
Myth 2 - you can get abs in just 8 minutes a day
If you could get abs in 8 minutes a day then everyone would have them!!! As I explained in the last myth, to get 6-pack abs you have to lose weight, not do ab exercises. There are 6min ab programs, 8min ab programs, 5min ab programs and NONE of them will give you six pack abs unless you lose bodyfat.
Myth 3 - you can do spot fat removal
Where did this stupid myth get started? I get dozens of emails each week from people asking for exercises to remove love handles or belly fat. You CANT do spot fat removal! If you have love handles all you can do is keep reducing your bodyfat by eating less and doing more cardio till they disappear. Your body decides where the fat will come off and there's not a dang thing you can do about it. Just keep reducing the bodyfat till the love handles go away. I've seen people completely wasting their time doing 50 minutes of hanging leg raises thinking it would give them lower abs, they would be much better off doing 50 minutes of jogging.
Myth 4- to get 6-pack abs you need to buy something
If getting abs were as easy as buying something, everybody would have them! There is no end to these wishful (and expensive) devices. They all have one thing in common though, its the false idea that YOU don't have to do anything - you can just sit back, relax and let something else do the work. These schemes vary from low tech to high tech. Low tech cheap examples are fat-suits and fat belts - complete waste of money. Or in the -50's they had these wall mounted vibrating belts and women would just read magazines or blow dry their hair while the machine shook their toosh. These schemes get really high tech too, the expensive electro stimulation machines. These are advertised as giving you abs while you go about your daily activities. These schemes are not limited to machines. Pills, books, newsletters are all sold with the promise of giving you abs without having to work - WRONG. Don't let your desire to get abs quickly and easily tempt you to waste money on some useless device, pill, book or newsletter.

Myth 5- For lower abs you need to do special exercises
People often get the upper 4 abs, then they wonder what exercise they should do to get lower abs - I get this question ALL the time. There are no special exercises to work the lower abs, its just a matter of removing the fat over them. And remember myth #3, you cant do spot fat removal. If you want to see your lower abs so that you have a 6-pack or a 8-pack then you have to reduce your bodyfat even more thru eating less and doing more cardio. The first place the body stores fat is in the belly button region, and that just happens to be over the lower abs. Even in someone who is reasonably lean like myself, the fat over the lower abs can be twice thick as the fat over the upper abs. Check this out for yourself. Check you skinfold over the upper abs, mine is about 3/8". Now check it over the lower abs, mine is twice as thick, almost 3/4" . THAT is the reason lower abs are so tough to see because very few people can get lean enough so that they show.

Myth 6- Getting abs requires long, grueling ab workouts
I've seen many of these ab workouts on youtube, the one where some ripped 19 year old does every ab exercise in the world consecutively without any rest and claims that's what it takes to look like him - nonsense. These 30-60 marathon minute ab workouts will give you strong abs but they are a waste of time if you are trying to get a visible 6-pack. If you want a 6-pack you would be much better off spending that 60 minutes jogging than doing ab exercises. Part of peoples confusion is that they mistakenly believe that ab exercises constitute cardiovascular exercise and thus can burn off fat, they are not! To burn off fat you need to elevate your heart rate into the weight loss zone, and to do that you need to use large muscles strenuously like using your quads in running or cycling. The abs are a very small muscle and no ab machine can elevate your heart rate sufficiently to lose weight. please see my video "What is good cardio?"

So why do abdominal exercises?

So am I saying that ab exercises are a waste of time? NO! Absolutely not. What I'm saying is that if you want to have a tight waist and see washboard abs, you have to reduce bodyfat by eating less and doing daily cardiovascular exercise. Doing ab exercises is very important but not necessarily for getting a 6-pack. Doing ab exercises is really important for two reasons. First to reduce chance of lower back injury, strong abs takes your spaghetti-like spine and make it a steel i-beam. The second reason to do ab exercises is to improve your sports performance. Almost every single sport benefits from strong abs. Ab strength provides a surprising amount of power in hitting sports like baseball and golf and in punching sports like boxing and the martial arts.
Let me give you some references here. If you want to do ab exercises, then let me recommend two videos. The first is a video on how to do a basic crunch, this is the king of all ab exercises. The second video shows you how to do bicycles which is a combination ab and oblique exercise. Now, as far as losing weight I'm going to recommend my two part video "6-pack abs fast" part 1 and "6-pack abs fast" part 2. By the way, the title is a joke - there is no such thing as six pack abs fast. Getting 6-pack abs is simple but its a lot of work.
So that's it, that's the truth about abs. If you want to see 6-pack abs - eat less and exercise more. And please, please, please don't waste your money on infomercial devices, newsletters, or pills!

Big Abs, Flat Abs

"Should I workout abs everyday or just once a week?"

There is a lot of confusion about ab workouts, should you do them every day or just once a week? The arguments go on endlessly on bodybuilding forums everywhere and the reason is that there is no right answer, it depends on your goals!
There are two basic ab workout methodologies:
  1. A hardcore, long and grueling ab workout done once a week like you would for any other muscle group wanted to get big and strong
  2. A quick ab workout done daily or every other day.
As I said, both these will give you the core strength you need for sports and to prevent back injuries, its mainly a cosmetics issue. Do you want small, tight abs like a marathon runner or do you want big muscular, powerful abs with big ridges and deep valleys like a bodybuilder?

The abs are no different than any other muscle in the body. When you make it work with resistance training, it responds by adapting, becoming stronger and bigger. Doing ab exercises makes your ab muscles bigger. At first, this added muscle makes the waist smaller because the muscles are strong enough to contract and hold the abdominal cavity in its compressed state. After that, any ab muscles added make the waist bigger, not smaller.
Now lets look at the two kinds of ab workouts:
If you want a small waist with tight, flat abs like a marathon runner then do this 3 minute ab workout. Its takes only 3 minutes and you do it every other day. It makes your abs strong enough to keep your abdominal cavity compressed and supported but it wont add so much muscle so as to increase your waist.
If you want big, powerful abs like a bodybuilder with big ridges and deep valleys then do this workout. This workout is like any other workout for a muscle that you want to get big and strong, its an intense hour long workout with heavy weights that you do once a week.

As an aside, many people are grossed out by pro bodybuilders abs - the "pregnant bodybuilder" look. These men are massive 300 pound walls of pure muscle but yet they have huge distended barrel bellies unless they suck them in (as they do onstage). These huge distended bellies are NOT the result of too many ab exercises, they are the result of massive amounts of steroids and growth hormones. You don't need to worry about either of the above two ab workouts making you look pregnant!

Abdominal (Ab) Exercises

Strengthening the abdominals is important for basic health to keep you injury free. Strong abs help stabilize the spine and keep you from injuring your back. Strong abs are important in virtually every sport, from golfing to running. Just ask anyone in martial arts how important the core (abs) is in generating a powerful punch! OK, not only are strong abs important in sports and for basic health but lets face it - 6-pack abs look fantastic!
Abs/weight loss products are a billion dollar industry in the USA.  All these products promise to be "the secret", easy way to washboard abs.  If getting abs were as easy as buying some flimsy contraption or pill, wouldn't everybody have washboard abs?  The secret to washboard abs is to eat a healthy diet, do 30 min of cardiovascular exercise a day, and do abdominal exercises.
Getting washboard abs is a two step process.  The first step is to lose weight and drop your bodyfat to about 6% by eating right and doing 30-60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day.  You must complete this first step and get ripped!  You will not see any visible results from you ab exercises unless you drop your bodyfat to these shredded, low levels. I repeat again, you will not see any visible results from ab exercises unless you drop your bodyfat to around 6%.   Many people will find that when they drop their bodyfat to these levels that they already have great washboard abs! 
Ab Workout Videos
Big Abs, Flat Abs - Explains how to decide which of the below ab workouts you should do.
3 Minute Ab Workout - A quick ab workout for core strength and getting a flat, tight waist with abs like a marathon runner. [This video is being re-edited and will be re-uploaded next week]
Killer Ab Workout - A hardcore ab workout to get big powerful abs like a bodybuilder

Ab Exercises


The Crunch is the most important exercise for abs and its very important that you perform it properly. The following three videos show you how to perform this vital exercise properly.
How to Perform Crunches
This video shows how to do crunches properly, both for the beginner and the advanced bodybuilder.
It helps to stare at a spot on the ceiling and try and make your head move directly to that spot.  No bending the neck, no flapping the arms - the upper body is slowly levitated toward the ceiling. Only the shoulders lift off the ground, the lower half of your back stays firmly on the ground. This is NOT a sit up.
Hand placement during Ab Exercises
Here is a video explaining what to do with the hands while performing ab exercises to avoid neck strain and neck injury. (full screen version)
Four most common ab mistakes, Learn what NOT to do when working toward ripped, washboard 6-pack abs. Avoid head nodding, arm flapping, full ROM. Worst of all, don't make the mistake of thinking ab exercises will get you washboard abs!

Below are four basic ab exercises.  Again, the crunch is king, if you can only do one exercise, do crunches.  Don't worry about how many reps you do but focus on using perfect form - do two sets of each exercise and take a minute or so between sets.  The first two exercises are the most important, if you are tight on time skip the hanging ab exercises.  How often to do ab exercises depends on your goal.  If you goal is to just strengthen your core so for back stabilization and basic health, then I would do them 3-5X/week with low weight and high reps.  If your goal is to grow big abs with deep valleys, then treat them like any other body part and work them out with heavy weights once a week.

Floor Crunches
crunch starting position.  Inhale, try and get your belly button as close to the floor as you can.  (click on image for larger view) 
crunch ending position.  It helps to stare at a spot on the ceiling and try and make your head move directly to that spot.  No bending the neck, no flapping the arms - the upper body is slowly levitated toward the ceiling.  (click on image for larger view)

Video showing how to do crunches. Key points on form. You are lifting your shoulders up toward the ceiling, it helps to look at a spot on the ceiling and try and make your shoulders go there. No motion at all with the head, the head-nods that many people mistakenly do wont help your abs. Keep the feet flat on the ground and the knees bent.
Bicycles are a great ab exercise because they combine a straight crunch (shown above) with a side crunch (shown below). If you are in a hurry and only want to do one exercise, this is the one to do. As with all crunches, the important thing is that you remember that the motion is to lift the shoulder up toward the ceiling. This is not a neck or head exercise! When you perform this exercise, you lift one shoulder up toward the ceiling and bring the opposing knee up to meet it then you switch to the other shoulder and knee in a slow, fluid motion.
starting position. Left shoulder up toward ceiling, right knee brought to left elbow.
ending position. Right shoulder up toward ceiling, left knee brought to right elbow.
Bicycles work out both the abs and the obliques at the same time, a great combination exercise. Here is a video showing how to perform them.
Floor Side Crunch
bodybuilding exercise side abdominal crunches side crunch starting position.  You body is twisted, knees bent at 90 degrees, hand lightly behind the neck. Inhale.  (click on image for larger view)
bodybuilding exercise side abdominal crunches, up position side crunch ending position.  While looking at the ceiling, raise your left shoulder in a straight line toward the ceiling - again think about your shoulder moving in a straight line up to the ceiling.  Your neck, head, arms and legs do not move. Exhale on the way up.  (click on image for larger view)
Here is a side crunch video showing showing how to perform this awkward exercise. Don't feel bad if you have trouble with this one at first, its pretty difficult at first. Its easier if you start with the cable crunch (see below) to get the feel for which muscles you are using.
Cable Crunches
Cable crunches are the easiest way to learn how to exercise obliques. You can make your own cable apparatus fairly simply at home.  If you don't have cables, you can also use simple resistance bands tied to something high. Its really tough for beginners to get the feel of how to do obliques but cables are the best. Form is very important in crunches, many people do them incorrectly and end up working out their neck or hips more than their abs. Use slow movements and only use the abs. Start out with light weight and concentrate on keeping your hips completely immobile. If you are pivoting around your hip-joint then you are NOT doing this correctly.
Straight Crunch.  Same form as the Floor Crunch listed above.  The hip does not pivot at all, the only motion is the shoulders moving down toward your belly button.
Side Crunch.  Again, the hip does not move, the only motion is your elbow going down toward the floor.
Watch this cable crunch video to see how to perform this exercise properly. Form is very important in crunches, many people do them incorrectly and end up working out their neck or hips more than their abs. Use slow movements and only use the abs. Start out with light weight and concentrate on keeping your hips completely immobile. If you are pivoting around your hip-joint then you are NOT doing this correctly.
Hanging Leg Raises
hanging leg raise starting position.  No jerky motions allowed on this exercise or you will pull a muscle in your lower back!  Raise your legs slowly on a count of two, this takes very strong abs!  If you don't have the ab straps pictured here you can also do these just hanging from the pull-up bar.  (click on image for larger view)
hanging leg raise ending position.  Now slowly lower the legs on a count of two.  If you find yourself having to swing or use jerky motions then don't do this, do the below exercise instead.  (click on image for larger view)
hanging leg raise starting position (easier version).  Same as above but with knees bent, rather than straight.  No jerky motions allowed on this exercise or you will pull a muscle in your lower back!  Raise your legs slowly on a count of two, this takes very strong abs!  If you don't have the ab straps pictured here you can also do these just hanging from the pull-up bar.  (click on image for larger view)
hanging leg raise ending position (easier version).  Now slowly lower the legs on a count of two.  (click on image for larger view)

How Long Does It Take To Get 6-Pack Abs?

Is it too late to get 6-pack abs by summer? This is one of the most common questions I get this time of year. Here is a simple 3 step procedure to tell how long it will take to get lean enough for those 6-pack abs to pop out!
  1. To have abs, you need to get down to about 7% bodyfat. Calculate how many pounds fat 7% would be. For example if you weigh 100 pounds, you can only have 7 pounds of fat (100lbs X .07) if you want 6-pack abs.
  2. Calculate the number of pounds bodyfat you currently have on your physique using my body composition calculator, and from step 1, calculate how many pounds fat you have to lose. For example if the calculator says you currently have 20 pounds of fat and from step 1 you know that you need to get down to 7 pounds of fat, you know you need to lose 13 pounds of fat.
  3. Now see how long it will take to lose the required amount of fat. Use my weight loss calculator and use the maximum weight loss rate by selecting "20% Caloric Reduction" as the goal in step 6. After entering all your other information, the calculator will tell you how long it will take to lose your fat.
Now that you know how long it will take to get those abs, read here how to get ripped 6-pack abs.

Some important notes:
  • Calculating bodyfat: No you cant guess, you need to measure. Other than a $30,000 flotation tank, using skinfold calipers is the most accurate method. There are a zillion methods of bodyfat measurement and 99% of them are horribly inaccurate, especially the ones offered at gyms. Buy a $15 skinfold caliper!
  • Such rules of thumb as "lose 2 pounds a week" are dangerously general. Such a rule is fine for someone weighing 300 pounds but for someone 100 pounds, it would lead to dangerous mal-nutrition. The maximum acceptable caloric reduction is 20% to keep you safe and insure you don't burn your muscle mass.
  • The precise bodyfat level you need to obtain to see 6-pack abs will vary between 7% and 12% depending on the size of your abs and where your body stores its bodyfat. I'd rather tell people 7% and have them pleasantly surprised when the get their 6-pack earlier than expected rather than tell them 12% and have them depressed when they get down to 12% and still don't have abs. Alles Klar?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Losing Weight and Building 6-Pack Abs

Losing weight is a billion dollar industry in America, there are thousands of devices and programs you can buy that promise to get you "6-pack abs fast" but they don't work!  If it were as easy as buying a pill, shake, or ab machine then the shopping malls across America would be filled with men who have rippling washboard abs-of-death but what do we see instead?  Obesity everywhere!
You can't buy 6-pack abs!
I'll let you in on the secret of getting 6-pack abs for free - are you ready?  Here it is, its a two step process: step 1: exercise more and step 2: eat less !  Lets clear up one huge misconception right now, ab machines and ab exercises will NOT get you 6-pack abs!  95% of the work in getting 6-pack washboard abs is losing bodyfat and no ab machine will do that.  If you have a beer belly, you could do ab exercises all year long and still never get 6-pack abs. You can have rippling muscular abs but if they are covered with an inner tube of fat then nobody is going see them.
A common sense approach involving exercise and nutrition is all that is required to get ripped, washboard abs.  Just a warning though, there is nothing fast about losing weight and getting ripped, it's simple but takes time and dedication. When most people think about losing weight, what comes to mind is words like "hunger", "deprivation", "diet", and "agony". No! Losing weight properly will not result in any of these, the key is in the above two words "common sense". Most of the fad diets out there are unhealthy, dangerous or both and lead to deprivation and hunger which eventually leads to binging - the typical unhealthy yo-yo weight loss pattern. What we want is permanent weight loss! Yo-yo dieting is way too much work, just learn to make smart nutritional choices and and the weight comes off and stays off for good!
Smart nutritional choices + exercise = ripped abs
There is no such thing as spot fat removal despite what the late night infomercials try to sell you. You cant 'target' fat removal unless you are using a machete or liposuction.  All you can do is lose weight and let the body decide where the fat is coming off.  When you have lost enough weight, the belly and love handles will disappear.  Lets talk about expectations, you cant get ripped in 10 days or even 30 days.  A good weight loss program will let you lose the weight gradually, a pound a week is a good rate - 2 pounds a week max.  If you are 50lbs overweight count on 6 months to a year to remove it.  Losing fat at this gradual rate means you will never be hungry or feel deprived. Another reason to lose the weight gradually is so that you don't burn off muscle - who wants to lose muscle? Nobody!
By the way, I've tried hard here to give you all the information you need to know in order to lose bodyfat and get 6-pack abs in one single, concise page. If for some reason it doesnt make sense to you, then consider buying the excellent book from Tom Venuto Burn The Fat - Its a well written book which you can read in 6 hours which covers this topic in much more detail than I do here.
Its important to note that there are reasons that some people may not want visible 6-pack abs as their top priority.

Step 1 for fat loss: Exercise More

Lets look at what its going to take to lose that bodyfat and get abs, remember I said "eat less and exercise more", lets start with the 'exercise more' part.  You lose fat by burning off more calories than you eat, pretty simple huh?. To burn off the calories you need to do at least 30 min of cardiovascular exercise every day. Why every day? Well for one, the American Heart Association says its what you should do to help avoid heart disease - very boring reason. The real reason you should exercise every day is much more exciting. You obviously burn off lots of calories while you are exercising, what isn't so obvious is that even this small amount of cardio elevates your metabolic rate so that your body burns off more calories the other 23 hours of the day too! What a bargain! Exercise 30 minutes and you get the next 23 hours of fat loss at no additional charge! What constitutes cardiovascular exercise, good question. Good cardio is anything that elevates your heart rate to 70%-85% of your maximum for 30-60 minutes:
Age 75% 85% Max Heart Rate
20 150 BPM 170 BPM 200 BPM
30 142 BPM 161 BPM 190 BPM
40 135 BPM 153 BPM 180 BPM
50 127 BPM 144 BPM 170 BPM
60 120 BPM 136 BPM 160 BPM
70 113 BPM 127 BPM 150 BPM
By the way, its a very good idea to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program, your target rates may differ from the chart above if you have medical conditions.  For a young person in good health, jogging or swimming is a great form of cardiovascular exercise.  Walking and cycling can be good cardio but you need to push yourself to walk really fast, no sauntering strolls - wearing a heart rate monitor while walking or cycling can help keep you from lollygagging.    At the gym, I shake my head every time I see people "exercising" on the stationary bikes using level 1 while chatting and reading the paper -what exactly do they think they are accomplishing? Their heart rate is about the same as if they were watching TV or sleeping! If you don't have a heart rate monitor, listening to high BPM music that you really like is a great way to keep your heart rate elevated too.
Now lets talk about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), this is all the rage. There is research that its burns off more calories in a shorter time but I still don't like it, why? Because I have found that most people do interval training with running and that their incidence of injury skyrockets. When you are injured you cant do any cardio, so I don't recommend HIIT running workouts except for elite athletes. If you want to do interval training, I suggest you do it cycling or swimming rather than running. The other thing people fail to realize is although HIIT burns more calories per unit time, you still need to keep your heart rate elevated for 20-60 minutes a day. People often ask if they can do 10 minutes of intervals rather than 20 minutes of steady cardio - No! You must keep you heart rate elevated for 20-60min. If one woman can make a baby in nine months, does that mean that nine women can make a baby in 1 month? No! Good things just take time! Find a way to enjoy your cardio rather than looking for ways to get it over with!
Its not just cardiovascular exercise that is important, weight lifting is just as important in my opinion in the quest to lose bodyfat. Weight lifting burns off calories too but more importantly it helps increase your metabolic rate so you burn off more calories 24hrs a day. Muscle is very "expensive" for the body to maintain and the more muscle you have, the more calories that are burned off every hour maintaining it. The more muscular you become, the easier it is to stay ripped.
Caution: You can always out-eat your exercise!
A word of warning, don't fall into the trap of thinking that because you are exercising so much you can eat what you want - you cant.  No matter how much you exercise, you can eat more than you burn off and end up gaining fat rather than losing it unless you accompany your cardio program with good nutrition.
People often ask if they can skip the cardio if they have really, really good nutrition - NO! You need to do your daily cardio! Cardio is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body healthy, inside and out.

Step 2 for fat loss: Eat Less (Good Nutrition)

The second part of losing fat is eating less, and remember this does not mean hunger and deprivation! Most people fail at to achieve their weight loss goals not because they eat too much but because they don't eat enough! The starve themselves then end up binging! If you are hungry then you are doing something very wrong. If you have cravings for your favorite food, then you are human - I address how to handle cravings at the end of this section. The #1 easiest way to lose fat is to eat your calories rather then drinking them, this simple tip can help you lose 5lbs fat a month or more without any additional changes to your nutrition. There are many nutritional methods of weight loss and all of them will work, at least in the short term. Where they differ is in how healthy they are and if the results are long term and lasting or not. Here are some of them with the ones I recommend at the top:
Nutritional Methods for Losing Weight
Eating Healthy Recommended Education alone can help you lose weight. Learn what foods are healthy and eat them. This method is a lot of work, not only in study but at the store and in the kitchen. Eating healthy is a lot of work but it is the best method of all. If you can cut out all foods with artificial flavors, sugars, simple carbs, fat, and salt for one month your taste buds will recover so that natural foods like vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are flavorful and tasty again. For this technique to be effective, you need to become a nutritional expert. You need to be able to look at something in the store or on a plate in a restaurant and tell within 10% how many grams fat, how many grams carbohydrate, how many grams protein and how many calories. You have to be an expert at reading nutritional labels. Most people just have no idea where the calories are in their diets. This is a good option for bodybuilders and professional athletes who need to maximize their performance. Unfortunately this method is not a realistic option for the general public because of the work it requires :(
Smart Substitutions Recommended This technique can work for many and its the easiest of all. Its recommended by the American Heart Association and it works great for the general pubic (but not serious bodybuilders). This method doesn't result in any deprivation feelings or require any study or hard thinking, just simple substitutions. Just make one or two healthy substitutions in a day and in a year it will result in losing tens of pounds of fat! How easy is that? Have mashed potatoes instead of french fries. Have a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a cheeseburger. Drink water instead of coke. None of these sacrifices is too great but yet they have a powerful effect over time.
Calorie Counting
(Portion Control)
Recommended Calorie counting and portion control is a great technique that works for virtually everyone, the general public and bodybuilders alike. Portion control doesn't mean diet and deprivation, it means eating enough so that you are not hungry but not so much that you gain fat. One caveat here, simply calorie counting alone will not work. Although you will lose weight if you eat only Twinkies and stay within your calorie limits, you will lose lots of muscle too - not to mention the serious and potentially life threatening health issues this may cause. With the advent of smart phones and websites like mine, calorie counting has become easier than it used to be. Just go to my calorie calculator, answer 5 questions, and it will plan a perfect and healthy weight loss meal for you! There are great iPhone apps like "Lose It" where you just select the food item and quantity you ate and it tracks the calories.
Carb Cycling Recommended The carb cycling nutritional method can be as effective at burning fat off quickly as the low-carb diets with none of the harmful effects but its not for everyone. When done properly, this nutritional method has plenty of vegetables and fiber and is very healthy. It does contain more protein that I personally think is healthy for long term use though but its fine for short term weight loss. In my opinion, this technique is not appropriate for teens and people who are over 12% bodyfat - I would instead recommend the previous technique, calorie counting. I just did a book review of "Burn the Fat" by Tom Venuto and was kind of embarrassed. Although I present most of the same concepts here on my website, his book does a much, much better job. If you don't feel like the information I present here on losing fat makes sense to you, I highly recommend his book Burn the Fat.
Low Carb Not recommended Low carb diets are very effective in losing fat fast which is why they have been so popular in the past - people use these all the time to get ready for high school reunions and weddings. So why don't I recommend them? First, the poor long term results speak for themselves. 89% of people who lost weight with low carb diets have gained it back within 18 months. Second low carb diets are very unhealthy, the human body is not build for low carb nutrition and it causes an array of nasty health issues. Its about as healthy as feeding a cow hamburgers :)
Fasting Not recommended Yes, fasting results in very rapid weight loss but it is dangerous and can result in death. More important than death (at least to a bodybuilder) is that fasting results in muscle loss as much as fat loss - nobody wants to lose muscle, fat is what people want to remove. I am not referring to religious fasts here like Ramadan that are fasts from sunrise to sunset. What I am referring to here is total nutritional fasts where the person consumes no calories (or minimal calories) for days or weeks on end. I would define any diet where you consume less than your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) as a fast. To find out what your BMR is, use my calorie calculator. Most fad diets (like the grapefruit diet below) fall into this category.
Grapefruit Diet Not recommended A dangerous fad diet utilizing the "magical and mysterious" ingredients in grapefruit. The only magic here is figuring out how so many people were duped into this dangerous diet. Its a very low calorie diet (800-1000) which qualifies it as fasting in my book. The grapefruit has nothing to do with the weight loss, if you eat 800-1000 calories in Twinkies you will have the same results. Fasting is very dangerous and should only be done under a direct doctors supervision. Again, for those of you who care - fasting burns off as much muscle as fat.

Lets start with something basic that applies to all the above nutritional methods of fat loss - eat many small meals.  You cant lose weight eating one or two meals a day, it puts your body in starvation mode and lowers your metabolism.  You need 6 meals a day. I know your are thinking already, "I CANT eat 6 time a day, I don't have time!"   Well, I cant cook and even I can eat 6 healthy meals a day. Check out my quick healthy meals section for help with quick recipes or no cook recipes. If those dont appeal to you then consider buying this bodybuilding cookbook (read my review).
The 6 small meals a day you are eating need to be well balanced - what does that mean? It depends a bit on which nutritional plan above you are following but  the bulk of every meal will be probably veggies and whole grains, some form of lean protein (beans, dairy, meat), and a small amount of fruit.  Your body doesn't store protein, you cant just have a big steak at dinner and call that your daily protein.  This is especially important if you are doing a weightlifting program in conjunction with your weight loss program. Every one of you meals needs to have 1/6 of your daily protein! The below chart gives you the approximate amount of calories and protein you need in each of your six meals based on your current weight:
To lose 1 pound fat per week
Current Weight
280lbs (127kg) 610cals x 6 meals = 3700 cals 46g x 6 meals= 280g protein
260 lbs (118kg) 560 cals x 6 meals = 3400 cals 43g x 6 meals= 260g protein
240 lbs (109kg) 510 cals x 6 meals = 3100 cals 40g x 6 meals= 240g protein
220 lbs (100kg) 460 cals x 6 meals = 2800 cals 36g x 6 meals= 220g protein
200 lbs (91kg) 410 cals x 6 meals = 2500 cals 33g x 6 meals= 200g protein
180 lbs (81kg) 360 cals x 6 meals = 2200 cals 30g x 6 meals= 180g protein
160 lbs (72kg) 310 cals x 6 meals = 1900 cals 26g x 6 meals= 160g protein
140 lbs (63kg) 265 cals x 6 meals = 1600 cals 23g x 6 meals= 140g protein
If you want to calculate precisely your nutritional needs, use my calorie calculator and set the macronutrient values to those that your nutritional program uses, the above chart is just for illustrative purposes. From my calculator, you know how much protein and how many calories each of your 6 meals can have. Now, what to eat? Can you eat whatever you want as long as it has the protein required and doesn't exceed the calories in the above chart? No! The quality of every calorie counts!!! Again, it depends a bit on which nutritional weight loss play you are following but each meal should:
  • should contain 1/6 of your daily protein requirement (calculated in the above paragraph)
  • should contain lots of veggies without sauces (fresh or steamed), the more the better. Vegetables fill you up with just a few calories, this is the key to avoiding hunger!
  • should have no more than 20% of the calories from fat (only good fats like flax, avocados, olives, nuts)
  • should have whole grain carbs for energy like oats, brown rice, or quinoa. No simple carbs allowed like sugar or white flour products
  • should have a small serving of fruit
Notice something really interesting in the above calorie chart, as you lose weight you need to eat less and less if you want to continue losing weight. If you plateau in your weight loss, its probably because you have not adjusted your caloric intake as the above table suggests.   If you weigh 300lbs and eat 410calories per meal, you will lose weight rapidly at first then your weight will stabilize at 200lbs and you wont lose any more unless you decrease your intake further.  Its very important that you recalculate your caloric needs every few weeks using my calorie calculator to avoid these weight loss plateaus.
People ask all the time what some healthy snacks are. Well, a healthy snack is anything that fits into your nutritional plan for the day without making you exceed your calorie allotment or the number of grams fat, protein and carbs that you have decided is appropriate. Only you can determine what is a good snack. There are very few things that are good snacks for every person on the planet but these would probably include: carrots, celery, and air-popped popcorn without butter or salt.
Lets talk about supplements and protein powders and their use in weight loss.  If you follow the nutritional suggestions on this page, you don't need any supplements or protein powders - you will get plenty of protein and vitamins in the meals suggested here.  If you have trouble eating 6 real meals a day then protein powder can be a valuable dietary aid because it lets you get the protein you need without any calories from fat or carbs. In a pinch, mix the protein powder (or organic protein powder) with nonfat milk, soy milk, rice milk or orange juice for an inexpensive meal replacement. Remember though, real food with all its fiber, vitamins, and minerals is always best! I am a pseudo-vegetarian -  I only eat meat/fish/chicken about once a week.  Because of my low meat consumption, protein powder in the form of dairy whey is my most important source of protein.  I like dairy whey without any artificial stuff in it, the product from optimum nutrition is the one I have been using for seven years.
Here are some easy nutritional meals, all these are really quick and have only two or three ingredients. If I can make these meals then you can too.


Cravings are a very common problem when people try to lose bodyfat, almost everyone has them regardless of what nutritional plan they are using. Everyone has their own particular vice, mine is sugar. Lets talk about some methods you can use to effectively deal with cravings.
  • Iron-will method. If you have the iron-will and devotion of a Monk, you can just repress your cravings. For the other 99.999% of this, this method will result in binging. We will be able to refrain from eating our favorite food a week or two then in one eating-orgy we will chow down so many calories that we will undo all of our progress to date. Not a recommended method.
  • Temptation avoidance method. Do not allow any unhealthy food in your house or office. Swap chores with your spouse so that they do the shopping, don't allow yourself into any store or restaurant where there might be a temptation. This technique only works slightly better than the above "Monk" technique. The problem is that eventually you will be faced with a situation where your favorite bad-food is available to you. A work party, a restaurant meal with out of town relatives, etc. At least with this method, you only need to exercise your iron-will for very short periods and not 24hrs a day. This method will probably fail for 90% of the population, again not the best technique
  • Cheat meal method. This is the best option and can work for almost everyone. You have your good nutrition and stick to your plan most of the week but have regularly scheduled cheat meals - maybe one or two a week. Several important points here. First they are regularly scheduled, you cant have one whenever you want. Pre-decide which meals on which days are cheat meals so you can look forward to them. Its easier to hold binging off when you know that in 36 hours you have your cheat meal coming. These are not cheat days, they are cheat meals. They are not license to pig out, they are a chance to have the foods you crave. Have a double cheeseburger a shake and fries but don't supersize it! The other key is to take your cheat meal even if you don't feel you need it. If you skip it then a few hours later you might get those cravings and then everything goes to pot. Last point, its best if the cheat meal is not dinner. Make it earlier in the day if you can so that you have a chance to burn those calories off before you go to bed